Alli’s Birthday Celebration 2011
home made beef skewers for my birthday BBQ party, this tray was red wine, black pepper and balsamic vinegar marinate, of course with lots of grounded onions and garlic, and butter ♥
I never knew how much work it takes making skewers…=_=
stabbed my fingers numerous of times…
home made beef skewers, this tray was brandy and lime marinate, of course with lots of grounded onions and garlic, and butter ♥
chicken drumsticks for my birthday BBQ party, marinated with sake, soy sauce, grounded garlic and onions, green onions, and butter.
home made lamb shoulder skewers for my birthday BBQ party, no marinate, perfect as it is.
skewers, soy sauce, melted butter.
need I say more
Special guest Leo who prepared amazing sushi and sashimi dishes for my birthday celebration.
a whole tuna head!
brought by sushi chef Leo.
whole tuna head~<3
the kitchen counter
with Leo’s two knives~
kenny and cecilia playing with the dogs.
kenny and cecilia playing with the dogs.
scratch scratch ♥
golden fur
kenny and cecilia.
preparing fish.
fish has tongues! O_O
I didn’t know that…..
preparing fish.
kitchen window.
kitchen window.
picking bones.
the dogs.
the dogs.
little dog.
traumatized little dog.
fish fish fish!
the handsome sushi chef Leo.
christine and william arriving.
christine and william arriving.
phoebe and her dog.
cardboard hotness~lol
yuyu arriving, thomas hiding….
yuyu and thomas arriving.
fish fish fish!
christine and william leaving……ToT
cute sushi chef Leo~<3
eric arriving.
phoebe playing with zombie~
zombie has the cutest eyebrows~<3
yuyu attempting to get a picture together with whisky~
yuyu attempting to get a picture together with whisky~
the ladies and the dogs.
fish head!!!
sizzling skewers.
sizzling skewers.
fish <3
tuna head waiting to be grilled.
drumsticks, fish cakes and beef skewers.
leo preparing fish.
the girls ♥
yuyu, phoebe, miho, alli, tina, yoyo ♥
cut cut cut~
drum sticks, fish cakes, beef skewers.
home made sushi.
phoebe doing yay pose.
yang yang~~~
the boys~
many thanks to shaun for this lovely cake~♥
fish head~~~xD
big boys.
so full of love~XD
flaming tuna head.
men working the grill ♥
men working the grill ♥
flaming tuna head.
yang’s prank.
fish waiting to be seared.
leo searing fish.
again, so full of love ♥
yang and leo.
miho, yang, jeremy, leo.
jeremy and leo.
jeremy and leo.
claire and alli ♥
jacob and girlfriend.
jacob and girlfriend.
sushi of love ♥
heart shaped sushi made by Leo.
sushi of love ♥
sushi of love ♥
yang and miho.
yang and miho.
burning tuna eye.
cooked fish.
jack and leo…….
the dogs are out~!!
money and whisky asking for food.
food please~???
food??? no???
no food?
cici’s long legs ♥
center of attention.
golden blur ♥
you want~~~?
cici and whisky.
cici and whisky.
birthday cake~♥
warm candle light ♥
crazy lawrence~
crazy lawrence~
crazy lawrence~
crazy lawrence~
crazy jeremy~
crazy jeremy~
crazy jeremy~
lamb chops ♥
saved for the last, lamb skewers ♥
lamb skewers with cumin and ground red pepper ♥
yang and saber.
yang and saber.
and the following photos are taken by claire xu and yuhong huang:
birthday cake ♥
claire and alli ♥
flower ring ♥
owl ring ♥